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Pregnancy, Birth & PostPartum Complications

Let's be very real here for a few moments and step out of our comfort zones... Not every pregnancy and birth happen how Hollywood films portray them to be. While some women have a very easy-going pregnancy, short labour and birth, with a rather speedy recovery; that isn't always the case. Every pregnancy is different and every birth outcome varies from person to person! Not to mention the postpartum healing, that no one seems to talk about or put emphasis on. It's always safe to be aware of the possibilities and prepare yourself for what may come. Being aware of the complications you may face brings less surprises, and more confidence to handle each forever-changing situation!


Let's start with Pregnancy Complications!

This list is MUCH larger than the birth complications list. Why is that? First of all, most problems can be found through the number of doctor or midwife visits, as well as routine ultrasounds, and blood work. Other symptoms may show up at home, which may raise a red flag and to go get checked out just to be on the safe side! Another reason is, that the actual labour and birth is so much shorter than the length of your entire pregnancy. There is so much time to detect problems before the birth even happens! This is definitely good news considering this entire article is about PROBLEMS.

CLICK on each complication to find out more - and of course, seek medical attention if you have any symptoms that are out of the ordinary or you feel concerned:

  1. Poor Mental Health - anxiety, depression, prolonged feelings of saddness or loss, suicidal thoughts, can worsen if there is anxiety/ depression history, etc.

  2. Preeclampsia - high blood pressure and signs of damage to another organ system

  3. Shingles - reactivation of the virus that causes chicken pox

  4. Gestational Diabetes - body cannot properly control the amount of sugar in your blood because it does not have enough insulin and occurs during pregnancy

  5. Ectopic Pregnancy - fertilized egg attaches itself in a place other than inside the uterus

  6. Placenta Previa - when a baby's placenta partially or totally covers the mother's cervix — the outlet for the uterus

  7. Blighted Ovum (Anembryonic Pregnancy) - when a fertilized egg attaches itself to the uterine wall, but the embryo does not develop

  8. Cholestasis - liver condition that occurs in late pregnancy

  9. Fetal Growth Restriction (Intrauterine Growth Restriction) - IUGR - condition in which the fetus is smaller than expected for the number of weeks of pregnancy

  10. Gestational Hypertension (PIH) - characterized by high blood pressure, swelling due to fluid retention, and protein in the urine.

  11. Group B Strep - bacterium often carried in your intestines or lower genital tract

  12. HELLP Syndrome - H (hemolysis, which is the breaking down of red blood cells) EL (elevated liver enzymes) LP (low platelet count)

  13. Hyperemesis Gravidarum - severe nausea, vomiting, weight loss, and electrolyte disturbance

  14. Incompetent/ Weakened Cervix - cervix starts to open before baby is ready to be born

  15. Molar Pregnancy - characterized by the abnormal growth of trophoblasts, the cells that normally develop into the placenta.

  16. Placenta Accreta - when blood vessels and other parts of the placenta grow too deeply into the uterine wall.

  17. Placenta Abruption - placenta starts to come away from the inside of the womb wall before the baby has delivered

  18. Rh Factor - a protein that can be found on the surface of red blood cells

  19. Yeast Infection - caused by overabundant growth of yeast cells

  20. Umbilical Cord Complications - single artery, nuchal, prolapse, knots, vasa previa, and cysts

  21. Fetal Arrhythmia - irregular heartbeat of the fetus

  22. Sepsis - the body’s often deadly inflammatory response to infection

  23. Sciatica - pressure or infection results in pain on nerves travelling from back to legs

  24. Anemia - When your body needs more iron than it has available


Next on the list, Birth Complications!

While this list may be a lot smaller, it doesn't mean that the problems are!! Birth is such a sacred time for the birthing mother and her partner, as well as their families. Where it can be absolutely flawless and beautiful for some, it can be scary and traumatic for others. These feelings are completely valid, and its so important to BE AWARE of what COULD happen. It never hurts to be prepared as much as you possibly can for any outcome!

CLICK on each complication to find out more. During birth you will most likely have a doctor, midwife or medical professional with you, but in case you do not, look out for the following complications and seek medical attention immediately:

  1. Fetal Distress - restricted oxygen to fetus, irregular heart rate or other problem/ condition

  2. Meconium Aspiration - when a newborn inhales (or aspirates) a mixture of meconium and amniotic fluid

  3. Cephalopelvic Disproportion (CPD) - baby’s head or body is too large to fit through the mother’s pelvis

  4. Retained Placenta - placenta remains in the womb and can't be delivered naturally

  5. Placental Accreta, Increta & Percreta - placenta attaches itself into the wall of the uterus too deeply

  6. Sepsis - the body’s often deadly inflammatory response to infection

  7. Umbilical Cord Complications - single artery, nuchal, prolapse, knots, vasa previa, and cysts

  8. Amniotic Fluid Embolism - fetal material, such as fetal cells, enters the mother's bloodstream

  9. Inversion of Uterus - placenta fails to detach from the uterine wall, and pulls the uterus inside-out as it exits


And last, but not least, PostPartum Complications!

The postpartum stage is often forgotten about, but in all reality, this 4th trimester is JUST as important as the other 3! A stable mental and emotional state is critical at this point as life has changed drastically in what felt like a blink of an eye and its important to have that stability. The body is also going through some incredible changes that are often looked at with a negative point of view, but really, the postpartum body is absolutely beautiful - it grew and housed a human!!!

CLICK on each complication to find out more - and of course, seek medical attention if you have any symptoms that are out of the ordinary or you feel concerned:

  1. Salpingitis - inflammation of the fallopian tube

  2. Pelvic Abscess - pocket of infected fluid and pus located inside the belly (abdominal cavity)

  3. Urinary Incontinence - urine leakage

  4. Psychological Disorders - anxiety, depression, prolonged feelings of saddness or loss, suicidal thoughts, can worsen if there is anxiety/ depression history, etc.

  5. Hemorrhoids - swollen or inflamed veins in the rectum and around the anus

  6. Constipation - functional bowel disorder that is characterized by pain and discomfort, straining, hard lumpy stools and a sense of incomplete bowel evacuation

  7. Puerperal Infection - parametritis , myometritis, endometritis - an infection of or around the uterus

  8. Subinvolution of Uterus - uterus does not return to its normal size

  9. Thrombophlebitis - inflammation of a vein

Remember to look out for yourself before, during, and after pregnancy & birth. No one knows you or your body better than you do. If you ever feel concerned or don't feel right in any way, it never hurts to get checked out by a doctor or medical professional who specializes in pregnancy and childbirth! <3

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